Adhikara contemporary art exhibition CHRISTOPHER WOOD Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition CESARE DE VITA 1960 / Swiss artist, ceramics. Click here to enter the exhibition |
Mendrisio Art Museum, Ticino, Switzerland SURREALISMO WALTER KURT WIEMKEN 1907 - 1941 Swiss artist, Surrealist paintings. Schweizer Künstler - Surrealistische Bilder. Artista Svizzero, pittura surrealista. Artiste Suisse. Peinture figurative et surréaliste. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
SURREALISMO SVIZZERA UN ARTISTA DIMENTICATA: Il portale d'arte Adhikara prende l'iniziativa di segnalare che nella bella e importante esposizione d'arte sul surrealismo in Svizzera è stata dimenticata una artista significativa nel surrealismo svizzero. Click here to enter the art exhibition SURREALISMUS SCHWEIZ EINE VERGESSENE KÜNSTLERIN Das Kunstportal Adhikara ergreift die Initiative, um darauf hinzuweisen, dass in der schönen und wichtigen Kunstausstellung zum Surrealismus in der Schweiz eine bedeutende Künstlerin im Schweizer Surrealismus vergessen wurde. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition CORNELIA FORSTER, Swiss artist - *1906 -†1990 Click here to enter the art exhibition A Swiss artist who has been active in all forms of expression. Figurative, abstract and surreal. Paintings, sculptures, tapestries, watercolours, drawings and graphics. Un artista svizzera che è stata attiva in tutte le forme d'espressione. Figurativo, astratto e surreale. Quadri, sculture, arazzi, acquerelli, disegni e grafica. Eine Schweizer Künstlerin die in allen Audrucksformen tätig war. Gegenständlich, ungegenständlich und surrealistisch. Bilder, Skulpturen, Wandteppiche, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, und Grafik. Einen Einblick in ein reiches Leben. Artiste Suisse qui a travaillé dans plusieures formes d'expression. |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition HANS ERNI Swiss artist *21.2.1909 - † 28.3.2015 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition SIMONETTA MARTINI 1961 / Swiss artist, paintings Click here to enter the art exhibition |
GUIDO GONZATO 1896 -1955 / Italian artist who lived in Switzerland. Figurative paintings and grafic arts. Italienischer Künstler, der in der Schweiz lebte. Gegenständlich Bilder und Grafik. Artiste Italien qui a vécu aussi en Suisse. Peintures figuratives et dessins. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition OTTO MEYER AMDEN 1885 - 1933 / Swiss artist Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition HANS GIOVANNI ROGALLA German artist who lived also in Switzerland Click here to enter the art exhibtion |
Museo d'Arte di Lugano Ticino, Switzerland Sculptures and paintings by the contemporary artists: PAUL KLEE - FAUSTO MELOTTI 17.03.– 30.06.2013 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition OSKAR DALVIT 1911 - 1975 / Swiss artist, paintings, drawings. Schweizer Künstler mit Bilder, Zeichnungen und Grafik. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museo Cantonale d’Arte Lugano, Switzerland JULIUS BISSIER 1893 - 1965 / German artist who lived also in Switzerland. Artiste Allemand. Acquarelles et peintures. Deutscher Künstler. Aquarelle und Bilder. Acquarelli di Bissier che ha vissuto anche ad Ascona. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
1893 - 1965 / German artist who lived also in Switzerland. Artiste Allemand. Acquarelles. Deutscher Künstler. Aquarelle. Acquarelli di Bissier che ha vissuto anche ad Ascona. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
My work is inspired by my Indian culture, and growing up in Switzerland with a multicultural family by my side. Cultures, colors, elegance and edginess defines my unique drawings: mixing Indian heritage, using bright and vibrant colors, infused with silver and golden hues like rays of sunshine, and being inspired by the Swiss nature that surrounds me. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Kunstmuseum Olten Olten, Switzerland IGNAZ EPPER UND OTTO MORACH 2.12.2018 - 17.02.2019 Aufbruchstimmung und Zukunftsangst vor 100 Jahren. Eine Kooperation mit der Stiftung Ignaz und Mischa Epper, Ascona Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Fondation Beyeler Basilea - Basel - Bâle Switzerland 3.02.2019 - 16.06.2019 Il giovane PICASSO - Periodo blu e rosa Der junge PICASSO - Blaue und Rosa Periode The young PICASSO - Blue and Rose Periods Le jeune PICASSO - Périodes bleue et rose Click here to enter the art exhibition Questa mostra, la più ambiziosa mai allestita dalla Fondation Beyeler, è dedicata ai dipinti e alle sculture del giovane Pablo Picasso In ihrer bis dato hochkarätigsten Ausstellung widmet sich die Fondation Beyeler den Gemälden und Skulpturen des frühen Pablo Picasso. This exhibition, the most ambitious ever staged by the Fondation Beyeler, is devoted to the paintings and sculptures of the young Pablo Picasso. Dans ce qui sera à ce jour sa plus prestigieuse exposition, la Fondation Beyeler se consacre au jeune Pablo Picasso. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
SURREALISMO SVIZZERA Grande retrospettiva sul Surrealimo svizzero. 10.02.2019 – 16.06.2019 Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana, Lugano Sede: LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura Click here to enter the art exhibition SURREALISMUS SCHWEIZ Grosse Retrospektive zum Schweizer Surrealismus. 10.02.2019 – 16.06.2019 Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana, Lugano Sede: LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura Click here to enter the art exhibition |
BNP Paribas, Lugano, Switzerland Contemporary art exhibition SIBILLA ALTEPOST 1970 / Swiss artist Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition, ceramics by MARISA ALTEPOST 1942 / Swiss artist, ceramics. Click here to enter the exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition VINCENZO ALTEPOST 1944 / Swiss Potter, Ceramics. Click here to enter the exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition Sculptures IRÈNE FRÖHLICH - WIENER Swiss artist. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition EVA ANTONINI Swiss artist, sculptures. Click here to enter the exhibition |
Museo d'Arte Moderna. Lugano, Switzerland Sculptures by the contemporary artist IGOR MITORAJ Click here to enter the art exhibition Il Museo d'Arte Moderna aveva esposto nelle strade della città di Lugano sculture dell'artista contemporaneo. Skulpturen des zeitgenössischen Künstlers. |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition FRITZ WINTER Künstler der deutschen Nachkriegsabstraktion *1905 - †1976 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museo d'Arte Moderna. Lugano. Switzerland Sculptures by the contemporary artist ARNALDO POMODORO Sculptures monumentales. Skulpturen. Sculture. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara invita al Museo Vincenzo Vela. Ligornetto. Switzerland Sculptures by VINCENZO VELA Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition, ceramics by SHOZO MICHIKAWA Japanese Potter - *1953 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition, ceramics by PAOLA REZZONICO Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Galleria Gottardo Lugano, Switzerland Contemporary art exhibition, ceramics by SHIMAOKA TATSUZO Japanese Potter - *1919 Living National Tresaure, Ningen Kokuho Ceramista, Tesoro Nazionale Vivente. Esposizione di ceramica. Céramiste Japonais, Tresor National Vivant. Une exposition de céramiques. Japanischer Töpfer - Eine Keramik Kunstausstellung. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition Ceramics by BERNADETTE BAUMGARTNER Swiss artist Click here to enter the exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition KATRINE KELLER Swiss artist / Raku ceramics Click here to enter the contemporary ceramic art exhibition |
Officine Saffi - Milano 14.11 - 21.12.2018 Contemporary art exhibition, ceramics by SHOZO MICHIKAWA Japanese Potter Click here to enter the art exhibition YouTube |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition WANDA PATRUCCO Italian artist Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition, ceramics by GIOVANNI CIMATTI Italian artist - Italienischer Keramiker. Terra Sigillata. Ceramista Italiano che lavora con raku e terra sigillata. Artiste Italien. Céramiques en raku. Click here to enter the exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition FOSCA ROVELLI 1961 / Swiss artist, paintings Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg, Zürich CARL GUSTAV JUNG Das Rote Buch Le Livre Rouge Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri - Bellinzona Ticino, Switzerland 22.09.2018 – 3.02.2019 FERNANDO BORDONI Tracce del (In)Visibile Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition PAOLO CAMPA Artista pittore Maestro del realismo Click here to enter the art exhibition |
DI PORZA Nel 1970 HANS E LEA GRUNDIG LANGER SONJA MARKUS SALATI 15.05.1970 - 07.06.1970 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition MARIA SALMROHR 1947 / German artist, ceramic sculptures, Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition PAUL BURKHARD 1988 - 1964 / Swiss artist, sculpture and coin Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition SANGARA AMA Ceramic sculptures Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg, Zürich SHIVA NATARAJA Der kosmische Tänzer Le danseur cosmique Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Mendrisio Art Museum, Ticino, Switzerland INDIA ANTICA Capolavori dal collezionismo svizzero Museo d’arte Mendrisio 27.10.2019 – 26.01.2020 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg Zürich, Switzerland NÄCHSTER HALT NIRVANA ANNÄHERUNGEN AN DEN BUDDHISMUS 13.12.2018 – 31.03.2019 Kunstwerke laden ein zu einer Begegnung der buddhistischen Religion und Kultur. Approcci al buddismo Le opere d'arte invitano a un incontro con la religione e cultura buddista. Approaches to Buddhism The works of art invite to an encounter with the Buddhist religion and culture. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg Zürich, Switzerland DIE SAMMLUNG - THE COLLECTION LA COLLEZIONE - LA COLLECTION Das Museum Rietberg Zürich ist das einzige Museum für aussereuropäische Kunst in der Schweiz und besitzt eine bedeutende Sammlung mit Werken aus Asien, Afrika, Amerika und Ozeanien. Il Rietberg Museum di Zurigo è l'unico museo d'arte extraeuropeo in Svizzera e vanta un'importante collezione di opere provenienti da Asia, Africa, America e Oceania. The Rietberg Museum Zürich is the only museum for non-European art in Switzerland and has an important collection of works from Asia, Africa, America and Oceania. Le Musée Rietberg de Zürich est le seul musée d'art non européen en Suisse et possède une importante collection d'œuvres d'Asie, d'Afrique, d'Amérique et d'Océanie. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg Zürich, Switzerland BUDDHAS PARADIES Schätze aus dem antiken Gandhara, Pakistan Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Rubin Museum of Art, New York Martin Brauen THE MANDALA: The Perfect Circle" Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg, Zürich MYSTIK - DIE SEHNSUCHT NACH DEM ABSOLUTEN. Mystique - la nostalgie de l'absolu. Mysticism - Yearning for the absolute. Mistica - l'anelito per l'assoluto. Laozi - Plotin - Kobo Daishi - Lin Moniang - Milarepa - Farid ad-Din 'Attar Franz von Assisi - Jalal ad-Din Rumi - Mechthild von Magdeburg - Abraham Abulafia Meister Eckhart - Gregor Palamas - Niklaus von Flüe - Mirabai - Moses Cordovero Jacob Böhme - Hakuin Ekaku - Bhima Bhoi Click here to enter the art exhibition |
ANGKOR Göttliches Erbe Kambodschas Click here to enter the art exhibition Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin Museum Rietberg Zürich |
Museum Rietberg, Zürich BHUTAN - HEILIGE KUNST AUS DEM HIMALAYA Über 100 religiöse Kunstwerke aus Tempeln und Klöstern Bhutans. 4. 7. 2010 - 17. 10. 2010 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition DÉSIRÉE WIPRÄCHTIGER Swiss artist, 3D Mandalas - Thangkas c Click here to enter the art exhibition Adhikara Art Award 2021 Désirée Kabbalah Wiprächtiger |
UNSER LAND: ÜBERALL BUDDHAS Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Palazzo Reale Milano Italia PICASSO 18.10.2018 - 17.02.2019 Metamorfosi Click here to enter the art exhibition
Kunsthaus Zürich Zürich, Switzerland OSKAR KOKOSCHKA. EINE RETROSPEKTIVE 14.12.2018 – 10.03.2019 Oskar Kokoschka, der Expressionist, Migrant und Weltbürger, ist 30 Jahre nach seiner letzten grossen Retrospektive in Zürich wieder da! Oskar Kokoschka, the expressionist, migrant and cosmopolitan, is back 30 years after his last big retrospective in Zürich! Oskar Kokoschka, l'espressionista, migrante e cosmopolita, è tornato 30 anni dopo la sua ultima grande retrospettiva a Zurigo! Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana Lugano, Switzerland sede LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura 16.09.2018 - 6.01.2019 MAGRITTE La Ligne de vie Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg Zürich, Switzerland FAMILIENBANDE DIE INDISCHEN MALER MANAKU UND NAINSUKH 4.10.2018 -17.2.2019 Erstmalig präsentiert die Ausstellung «Familienbande – Die indischen Maler Manaku und Nainsukh» das Schaffen der legendären Künstlerbrüder in einer direkten Gegenüberstellung. Die Künstlerfamilie aus Guler in der Pahari-Region nahe dem Himalaya-Gebiet läutete im späten 18. Jahrhundert eine entscheidende Wende in der indischen Malerei ein. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg Zürich, Switzerland FARBE BEKENNEN TEXTILE ELEGANZ IN TEHERAN UM 1900 23.11.2018 - 14.04.2019 Persische Kleidungsstücke und Textilien. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Kunstmuseum Olten Olten, Switzerland OTTO MORACH 2.12.2018 - 17.02.2019 Otto Morach (1887–1973) als Plakatgestalter Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Mendrisio Art Museum Ticino, Switzerland 28.12.2018 - 27.01.2019 MAX BECKMANN Paintings, sculptures, watercolours, drawings & graphics Dipinti, sculture, acquerelli, disegni e grafica Gemälde, Skulpturen, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen & Grafiken Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museo d'Arte Moderna. Lugano, Switzerland 2010 Fotografia ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE Fotografo americano Click here to enter the art exhibition |
MUSEO D'ARTE MODERNA LUGANO ERNST LUDWIG KIRCHNER masterpieces Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien Retrospektive FRIDA KAHLO Mexican artist *1907 -†1954 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition LORENZO ANTOGNETTI 1955 / Italian artist. Figurative paintings. Artiste Italien. Peinture figurative. Italienischer Künstler. Gegenständlich Bilder Artista Italiano presenta quadri figurativi. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Fondation Beyeler
Basel, Switzerland PAUL GAUGUIN: 8.02.2015 - 28.06.2015 With Paul Gauguin the Fondation Beyeler presents one of the most fascinating artists. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg Zürich, Switzerland Helden - Ein neuer Blick auf die Kunst Afrikas. Les héros – un nouveau regard sur l’art de l’Afrique. Heroes – A New Perspective on the Art of Africa. Als einzigartige Zeitzeugen dokumentieren diese Kunstwerke aus dem 12. bis 19. Jahrhundert ganze Generationen führender Persönlichkeiten, die Afrikas vorkoloniale Vergangenheit prägten. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition AFRICA ART sculptures Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Adhikara shows you some pictures of water crystals THE MESSAGE FROM WATER / LE MESSAGE DE L'EAU DIE BOTSCHAFT DES WASSERS / IL MESSAGIO DELL'ACQUA Some pictures of water by the Japanese writer and photographer MASARU EMOTO Click here to enter the art exhibition Wasserkristalle / cristalli d'acqua / water crystals / 水の結晶。/ cristaux d'eau |
Kunsthaus, Zürich PABLO PICASSO 15.10.2010 - 30.01.2011 Click here to enter the art exhibition Jubiläumsausstellung Die Ausstellung wird anhand von etwa 70 von Picasso 1932 für Zürich ausgewählten Spitzenwerken das Profil seines Rückblicks auf sein Werk rekonstruieren. The 2010 exhibition will feature some 70 of the major works chosen by the artist in 1932 as it seeks to reconstruct his retrospective presentation of his own oeuvre. Au moyen de quelques 70 oeuvres choisies par Picasso parmi ses meilleures en 1932 pour Zurich, l’exposition recréera dans ses grandes lignes l’aperçu rétrospectif de l’artiste sur son travail. |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition DJORDJE PRUDNIKOFF 1939 / Artist from Belgrad, paintings Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition SALVATORE FIUME 1915 - 1997 / Italian artist Figurative and surrealistic paintings. Italienischer Künstler. Gegenständliche und surrealistische Bilder. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
il Polo Culturale di Lugano presenta photo20esimo Lugano, Museo d'Arte Click here to enter the art exhibition Maestri della fotografia del XX secolo Diane Arbus, Richard Avedon, Peter Beard, Bill Brandt, Brassaï Gyula Halász, Andreas Feininger, Nan Goldin, Philippe Halsman, Horst Paul Albert Bohrmann, André Kertész, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Don McCullin, László Moholy-Nagy, Arnold Newman, Thomas Ruff, Tazio Secchiaroli, Kishin Shinoyama, Jeanloup Sieff, Eugene William Smith, Edward Weston. |
Museo Cantonale d’Arte Lugano, Switzerland ALEXEJ VON JAWLENSKY Il valore della linea. Disegnatore in dialogo con Matisse, Hodler e Lehmbruck Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition FABIOLA QUEZADA Artist fom Mexico in Switzerland Click here to enter the art exhibtion |
il Polo Culturale di Lugano presenta LA DINAMO FUTURISTA. OMAGGIO A UMBERTO BOCCIONI PRIMO CONTI DISEGNI PER HARRIET QUIEN, “LA DONNA CHE VENNE DAL MARE”, 1912-1925 Lugano, Museo d'Arte 2009 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Vigelandsparken. Oslo Sculptures by the artist GUSTAV VIGELAND 1869 - 1943 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
openArt 2021 Contemporary art exhibition
Rassegna internazionale di scultura
International Sculpture Exhibition
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition ALESSANDRA MENICONZI Photographies Click here to enter the exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition FLOR GARDUÑO 1957 / Mexican fine-art photographer. Photos. Fotografin aus Mexiko. Foto Kunstausstellung. Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museum Rietberg, Zürich Mexiko: Teotihuacan Geheimnisvolle Pyramidenstadt Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition TERESA LEISER 1922-1993 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
IM SPIEGEL DEINES ANGESICHTS. Kinofilm: Buch, Regie, Tanz und Produktion: Carola Stieber/Paramjyoti Cinematotraphie, Editing und Co-Produktion: Eckart Reichl movingintotheinfinite.com/de MOVING INTO THE INFINITE. Motion picture: Written, directed, danced and produced: Carola Stieber/Paramjyoti Cinematotraphie, Editing und Co-Produktion: Eckart Reichl movingintotheinfinite.com |
Museo d’arte Mendrisio Ticino. Switzerland CARLO CARRÀ 22.09.2013 – 19.01.2014 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museo delle Culture
Switzerland Photo art exhibition. Foto Kunstausstellung L’India al tempo di Gandhi / Indien zur Zeit von Gandhi L'Inde au temps de Gandhi / India to the time of Gandhi Fotografie di: Photos by WALTER BOSSHARD Click here to enter the art exhibtion |
Museum Rietberg Zürich, Switzerland Kosmos - Rätzel der Menschheit The Cosmos - An Enduring Mystery Cosmos - le mystère de l’humanité 12.12.2014 - 31.05.2015 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara contemporary art exhibition MURALES IN ORGOSOLO SARDEGNA Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Museo delle Culture Lugano, Switzerland. UGO PELLIS Uomini e cose. Fotografie Sardegna 1932 - 1935 Click here to enter the art exhibition |
Adhikara Contemporary art exhibition Esposizione alla Casa Battaglini di Cagiallo, Ticino, Svizzera CORNELIA FORSTER arazzi, pitture, disegni e sculture SIBILLA ALTEPOST disegni e sculture MARISA ALTEPOST ceramica VINCENZO ALTEPOST ceramica DÉSIRÉE WIPRÄCHTIGER mandala in 3D Click here to enter the art exhibition |
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