Kavod Altepost
a Verlin 9
6954 Sala Capriasca
Tel & WhatsApp +41
79 632 41 35
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Vincenzo Altepost
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For 24 years I have been running this residential
centre for drug rehabilitation.
I used mantra singing, meditation, transmission of knowledge and ceramic
work on the potter's wheel.
We have achieved many great results.
I am now retired and no longer accept clients at home.
My work continues in another way.
I started giving lessons in schools.
I have published a book in German on fundamental
goodness and inner joy.
The book I wrote is currently translated into Italian
and published towards the end of 2018 or at the beginning of 2019.
I have published on a web page the 24 main programs
that I used in my work in the rehabilitation of drug addictions.
These programs are freely accessible.
Currently they are used in a prison in Italy and by some private individuals.
Vincenzo Kavod Altepost
Vincenzo Kavod Altepost
Via a Verlin 9
6954 Sala Capriasca
Ticino, Switzerland
Tel & WhatsApp +41 79 632 41 35
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Ta musique incite mon âme à danser;
j'entends Ta flûte dans le murmure du vent;
les vagues de la mer conservent le rythme de Tes pas dansants.
A travers toute la nature, j'entends jouer Ta musique mon Bien-Aimé;
tout en dansant, mon âme chante sa joie.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Deine Musik regt mich zum Tanzen an;
im Säuseln des Windes vernehme ich Dein Flötenspiel;
die Wogen des Meeres bewahren den Rhythmus Deiner tanzenden Schritte.
In der ganzen Natur vernehm'ich Deine Musik,
mein Geliebter; im Tanze verkündet meine Seele in Liedern ihre Freude.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
May all beings have happiness, and the causes of happiness;
May all be free from sorrow, and the causes of sorrow;
May all never be separated from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless;
And may all live in equanimity, without too much attachment and too much
And live believing in the equality of all that lives.
As long as space endures,
And as long as sentence beings exist,
May I, too, remain,
To dispel the misery, of the world.
Aussi longtemps qu'existera l'espace,
Aussi longtemps qu'il y aura des étres,
Puissé-je moi aussi demeurer
Pour dissiper la douleur du monde