Videos of
Spiritual Masters
Video di Maestri Spirituali
Videos Geistiger Meister
In coincidental sequence: |
Invito alla libertà - di Mooji in italiano
Basic training in One-Moment Meditation
Krishna Mohini Dwivedi
Frank Kinslow: Stop Your Thoughts
Mantra and
Transcendental Meditation explained by Maharishi
Transcendental Meditation: Mechanics of the technique
Maharishi: The origin of thought
Maharishi: Knowledge of the Knower
Inner and outer life - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
What is the Science of Creative Intelligence? - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Byron Katie
1st Samadhi
Experience of Nithyananda
OSHO: Compassion - The Ultimate Flowering of Love
Satsang mit
Pyar Troll 2007 zum Thema
"Gelebte Weisheit"
Interview mit
Der Ruf nach Hause
Satsang mit
Samarpan Pfingsten 2007
Die Videos mit Samarpan wurden beim Rainbow-Spirit-Festival
Online TV. Satsang und Interviews mit
Isaac Shapiro,
Pyar Troll,
Karl Renz,
Madhukar ..
Geniale Seite!
Ego Where to Use - by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Art of Living
Course for Prison Inmates
The revolutionary Art of Living Prison Programme,
designed by Sri Sri
Ravi Shankar,
has released 150 000 prisoners
from stress and anger,
and violence and drug dependencies.
Value of Singing by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Premananda - Ramana Maharshi's Teachings - Trailer
Gangaji - I am not speaking of Exclusion
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee "Inner Work" - Irina Tweedie
Night Zikr at the Dargah of Inayat Khan
What meditation really is - Sogyal Rinpoche
Sri Swami Vishwananda singing
Himalayan Yogi
Mahavatar Babaji - Teachings of Babaji
Ken Wilber: Increased Consciousness, Decreased Suffering
Pema Chödrön -
"Practicing Peace in Times of War."
After Awakening / Adyashanti & Loch Kelly
Krishnamurti -
The Real Revolution - Part 1 of 2
Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - Part 2 of 2
Talk with Nisargadatta Maharaj
Nisargadatta Maharaj and Bhagawan Nityananda
Gangaji -
What's my core message?
Swami Bhagawan Nityananda's rare video
Satsang mit Samarpan - Thema Hier-Sein
Satsang mit Samarpan 1
The essence of
Buddhism - Sogyal Rinpoche
Looking for the elephant's footprints ?- Sogyal Rinpoche
The Purpose of Life - Sogyal Rinpoche
Meditation - Sogyal Rinpoche
How to Know God -
Deepak Chopra
A Balanced Life - Deepak Chopra - Part 1
Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra
about his book "The Love Poems of Rumi".
Deepak Chopra
discusses religion, cyberspace and spiritual health
Ken Wilber Stops His Brain Waves
Ken Wilber - Anchoring I-Amness
Ken Wilber on Seeking Enlightenment
The Gary Null Show - Professor Ervin Laszlo - 1
The Gary Null Show - Professor Ervin Laszlo - 2
Do We Have The Ability To Feel Others?
Critical Mass
Toward Integral Consciousness
What the Bleep Do We Know?
What The Bleep Do We Know ?! Intro trailer compilation
What The Bleep Do We Know--Addiction Clip
Beloved Hazrat Inayat Khan / Great Spirit Come
At the Dargahs of
Hazrat Inayat Khan and of Pir Vilayat Khan
Visionary Cofounder: PIR VILAYAT KHAN"
You Are Oneness
- Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
The Dalai Lama in Diskussion with Otto Schily
Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (1871-1953),
master of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Awakening -
Gangaji - Swami Shankarananda -
Swami Chetanananda . . . . .
Swami Chetanananda: Awakening of
Bede Griffiths
Pema Chödrön - "Common Tactics of Aggression"
Pema Chödrön - Who is Milarepa?
Pema Chödrön & Richard Reoch "Memorial Day Tonglin"
OSHO: Anybody who
gives you a belief system is your enemy.
OSHO: MEDITATION for Contemporary People
OSHO: Emotional Wellness - Almost Drunk With Emotion
Living Naqshbandi
Sufi Master Shaykh Nazim
What is Real Love - A Sufi Perspective
Real Knowledge-
Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani
Paramahansa Yogananda Sleep
Power of Discrimination
- Sathya Sai Baba darshan video
Sathya Sai Baba singing "Govinda Krishna Jay" Bhajan
Mahatma Gandhi Talks 2
Mahatma Gandhi - "Bapu"
Mother Mata Amritananda Mayi - Amma's interview with Alan Steinfeld
Ultima messa di Padre Pio
Shankarananda: The Great Being Within Us
May all beings have happiness, and the causes of happiness;
May all be free from
sorrow, and the causes of sorrow;
May all never be separated
from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless;
And may all live in
equanimity, without too much attachment and too much aversion,
And live believing in the
equality of all that lives.
Ta musique incite mon âme à danser;
j'entends Ta flûte dans le murmure du vent;
les vagues de la mer conservent le rythme de Tes pas dansants.
A travers toute la nature, j'entends jouer Ta musique mon Bien-Aimé;
tout en dansant, mon âme chante sa joie.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Deine Musik regt mich zum Tanzen an;
im Säuseln des Windes vernehme ich Dein Flötenspiel;
die Wogen des Meeres bewahren den Rhythmus Deiner tanzenden Schritte.
In der ganzen Natur vernehm'ich Deine Musik,
mein Geliebter; im Tanze verkündet meine Seele in Liedern ihre Freude.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Thy music causeth my soul to dance;
in the murmur of the wind I hear Thy flute;
the waves of the sea keep the rhythm of my dancing steps.
Through the whole of nature I hear Thy music played, my Beloved;
my soul while dancing speaketh of its joy in song.
My soul is moved to dance by the charm of Thy graceful movements,
and my heart beateth the rhythm of Thy dancing steps.
The deep impression of Thy sweet countenance, O Winner of my heart,
covereth all visible
things from my sight.
My heart repeateth a thousand times the melody Thou playest on Thy flute;
it setteth my soul in harmony with the whole universe.
Thou pourest wine into my empty cup wherever we meet,
on hills and dales, on the tops of the high mountains,
in the thick forests and in the barren deserts,
on the shores of the roaring sea and on the banks of the gentle river;
and there ariseth in my heart the unearthly passion and the heavenly joy.
Thou hast won my heart a thousand times over;
Thou comest veiled under many and varied guises, and in every guise Thou
art unique.
Who is not attracted by the splendor Thou hast so skillfully produced on
the face of the earth?
In this beauty fair Thou shinest, adorned in myriad garbs.
Thine own is all the beauty, and Thou shinest and yet are not Thyself
attracted by it.
Thou in this stage of life actest as friend and foe,
and Thou alone seest the play performed so wonderfully.
I sought Thee so long, my Beloved, and now I have found Thee at last, O
Winner of my heart,
and in finding Thee I have lost myself.
Let me feel Thine arms around me, my Beloved, while I am wandering away
from home.
Let my heart become Thy lute.
Hearing Thy song my soul cometh to life.
Let my virgin soul dance at Thy court, my Indra; the passion it hath is
for Thee alone.
O, let me lean my head on Thy breast; Thine arms enfolding me, my feet
touch paradise.
Wherever I look, I see Thy beloved face, covered under many different
The magic power of my ever-seeking eyes lifted the veil from Thy glowing
and Thy smile won my heart a thousand times over.
The lustre of Thy piercing glance hath lighted my darkened soul,
and now I see the sunshine everywhere.
In the brightness of day and in the darkness of night what didst Thou not
teach me!
Thou hast taught me what is meant by wrong and what is called right.
Thou hast shown me the hideous face of life,
and Thou hast unveiled before me life's beautiful countenance.
Thou hast taught me wisdom out of utter darkness of ignorance.
Thou has taught me to think after my thoughtless moments.
Thou playest with me, my Beloved Lord and Master, hide and seek!
Thou closest mine eyes and Thou dost open them.
When we are face to face, Beloved, I do not know whether to call Thee me,
or me Thee!
I see myself when Thou art not before me; when I see Thee my self is lost
to view.
I consider it good fortune when Thou art alone with me,
but when I am not there at all, I think it the greatest blessing.
Thy whisper to the ears of my heart moveth my soul to ecstasy.
The waves of joy that rise out of my heart form a net in which Thy living
Word may swing.
My heart patiently awaiteth Thy Word, deaf to all that cometh from
O Thou, who art enshrined in my heart, speak again to me; Thy voice
exalteth my spirit.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
As long as space endures,
And as long as sentence beings exist,
May I, too, remain,
To dispel the misery, of the world.
Aussi longtemps qu'existera l'espace,
Aussi longtemps qu'il y aura des étres,
Puissé-je moi aussi demeurer
Pour dissiper la douleur du monde
So lange der Raum besteht,
so lange es lebende Wesen gibt,
Möge auch ich hier verbleiben
um das Leiden der Welt zu lindern
Komm, komm wer du auch bist, Vagant, Anbeter, Flüchtling.
Es hat keine Wichtigkeit
Unsere Karawane ist nicht eine der Verzweiflung.
Unsere Karawane ist eine des unendlichen Glücks.
Komm, auch wenn du deine Vorsätze tausend mal gebrochen hast.
Komm, komm wieder. Komm !
Jallaluddin Rumi
Yoga bringt den Geist zur Ruhe.
Dann ruht der Sehende in seiner wahren Natur.
Sonst identifiziert sich der Sehende mit den veränderlichen Inhalten des
Den Schatz den ich fand, kann nicht mit Worten beschrieben werden.
Der Geist kann ihn nicht fassen.
Mein Geist fiel wie ein Hagelkorn in die riesige Weite des Bewusstseins.
Als ich einen Tropfen davon berührte, schmolz ich hinweg und wurde eins mit
dem Absoluten.
Und selbst nun, da ich zum menschlichen Bewusstsein zurückkehre,
sehe ich nichts, höre ich nichts, das nicht göttlich ist.
Ich weiss, dass nichts von mir verschieden ist.
Nada te turbe, nada te espante:
quien a Dios tiene, nada le falta.
Nada te turbe, nada te espante.
Sólo Dios basta.
Santa Teresa de Avila