Over the past years I've realized different artistic activities in different parts of the world, always with a critical point of view of the reality and of the environment that  I was in…

Considering the different branches of art in which I worked (painting, sculpting, drawing, photography, cinema, theater, television,  publicity, decoration, murals, multimedia, etc..) I cannot say that one trapped me more then another, although I have my preferences…

Life full of colors, lines, shapes... contrasts, lights, shadows... scents, textures, sounds… feelings of... love not to forget….

David Induni

David Induni was born in Argentina (Neuquén) in 1974. Even as a child, he found himself very interested in art and this led him to start studying sculpture and painting. During the following years he also attended several ateliers in different art activities.

He studied graphic design and sculpting at Josefina Conte College (Corrientes-Argentina); after one year in this scenario where he had joined the artistic group Grupo Arte Ahora, he went to Córdoba to continue his studied in the National University, department of Plastic Arts (Sculpture and Painting).

After three year he decided to move from theory to practice and expand his knowledge by travelling around different countries: Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica and United States of America, where he lived for six years on the islands of Maui, Honolulu and Big Island of Hawaii.

At the moment he's discovering Europe and its never-ending culture...

His works:  

2006 – The Weft  (Lugano - Switzerland) -  Multimedia Installation

2006 – The title it is not important  (Lugano - Switzerland) - Installation

2004 - Las  Burras (Canary Islands – Spain)  -  Performance

2003 - Intervention Artistique (Geneva - Switzerland) Geneva International Airport - Contest participation, first selection and project publishment

2003 - Arabasabal beach (Tarragona – Spain) - Happening - interdisciplinary performance

2002 - Mask Course (Maui – Hawaii) - Professor at Ka ’apalua Art School

2002 - Body Art (Maui – Hawaii) - Henna Mhendy, temporary tattoos

2002 - Poster Painting (Maui – Hawaii) - Ka ’anapali Village, Vintage Européen Posters

2002 – Yoga Shala salon Lahaina (Maui – Hawaii) - Interior design

2002 - Mana Food (Maui - Hawaii) - Mural painting, 1.20 m - 2.20 m

2002 – Wispering of the Ocean (Maui – Hawaii) - Happening, gourmet installation

2002 - Oil painting, sculpting, drawing (Maui – Hawaii) - Professor ar Ka 'apalua Art School

2002 - Protection of the Mother (Maui – Hawaii) - Sculpture, Mercedes Championnat - Ka ’apalua

2001- Living in Hawaii (Big Island – Hawaii) - Happening

2000 - The Man in the Jungle (Big Island – Hawaii) - Happening, installation

1998 - E Sotericas (Lima – Peru) Painting, mural, Deja Vu Bar - Los Pulenta de Cordoba. Artistic group (Sebastian, Guillermo e David)

1998 – La Tasca (Cuzco – Peru) - Los Pulenta de Cordoba. Happening

1998 – Malvadiscos, Body Art (Cuzco – Peru) - Happening. Mama Africa

1998 – La Musica en Peru (Cuzco – Peru) - Mural painting. Kero ’s

1997 - El Color del Cielo (Córdoba – Argentina) - Scenography. Longmovie directed by Pablo Torres Nilson.

1997 - Ritual (Córdoba – Argentina) - Installation, Cabaña Salon

1997 - El Cuarto (Córdoba – Argentina) - Scenography, short movie directed by Carolina Perez Sandoval

1997 - La Mascara (Córdoba – Argentina) - Installation. Muséo Sala

1996 - Miniature exhibition (Corrientes – Argentina) - Corrientes National Museum

1996 - Miniature exhibition (Chaco – Argentina) Chaco National Museum

1996 - El Cristo (Córdoba – Argentina) - Performance - installation - sculpture. Pabellon de Monte

1996 - Viaje Sanguineo (Córdoba – Argentina) - Installation- drawing. Università Nazionale di Cordoba

1996 - Cain y sus Pecadores (Córdoba – Argentina) - Action painting . Sala Villa el Libertador

1996 - Los très Cortos (Córdoba – Argentina) - Scenography, shortmovies directed by Rennan Benderscky

1995 - El Grito (Córdoba – Argentina) - Performance. Cordoba National University

1995 – Basilica de Itahí (Corrientes – Argentina) - Restauration works

1995 - Grupo Arte Ahora (Corrientes – Argentina) - Mural painting

1994 - Juan L. Ortiz (Parana – Argentina) - Mural  (sgraphiado)

1994 - El Equinoxio (Corrientes – Argentina) - Mural (sgraphiado)

1994 - Grupo Arte Ahora (Corrientes – Argentina) - Group of murals (sgraphiados)


2006 - 2005

SUPSI (Lugano - Switzerland) – Visual communication

1995 - 1997

Cordoba National University (Argentina) - Department of Philosofy; Plasti Arts


Photo Studio (Cordoba - Argentina) - Private course of photography

1993 - 1994

Josefina Conte School, Sculpting atelier (Corrientes – Argentina)


Course of Graphic Design - Macintosh (Corrientes - Argentina)

1992 - 1993

Visual Arts School (Bahía Blanca - Argentina)

1987 - 1991

Teaching school, number  6 -pedagogical bacaloreat  (Bahía Blanca - Argentina)

1989 - 1990

Atelier Muséum, atelier of painting and sculpting  (Bahía Blanca - Argentina)

1984 - 1986

Atelier privato, Lora Matellan Schellera, atelier of painting and sculpting (Cordoba - Argentina)


David Induni

To the next picture - Zum nächsten Bild - Alla prossima immagine - À la prochaine image



David Induni
Casa Campana
6956 Lopagno
Ticino Switzerland









David Induni

Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 02.02.23

Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 02.02.23